Episode 00: ACE Starts Now


Thank you for joining me in my attempt to release episode content specifically intended for Office 365 knowledge. This is new territory for me and if the content I’m envisioning does provide value then let’s start this ride together. Here in Edmonton, Alberta - we got hit with this deep freeze weather these past few weeks. So its great to see that the weather is warming up today! Hopefully, wherever you are reading this, you are smothered with great weather by Mother Nature.

So this is my introduction to ACE Episodes. ACE, short for Adam’s Collaborative Efforts where I’d like to keep this portion of the site for sharing my experiences to the Office 365 community, Power Addicts (Power Platform - Power Apps, Power Automate, Power BI, and Power Agents) or whatever technology I’m facing at the moment. I’m uncertain on the frequency of these episodes but we’ll see how this pans out. There may be moments where I may choose to do more episodes or more blog posts. Hopefully, as the content consumers of my content, you could provide me feedback and suggestions. Greatly appreciated and definitely open to that dialogue.

Stay Awesome fellow potential reader.


Adam Tobias